Sheet 12

Prof. Leif Döring, Felix Benning
course: Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie 1semester: FSS 2022tutorialDate: 23.05.2022dueDate: 10:15 in the exercise on Monday 23.05.2022
Exercise 1 (Brownian Motion Unbounded).

Prove that the Brownian motion is unbounded without using Exercise 3.


Borel Cantelli.


First note that we have

(lim suptXt=)=limk(lim suptXtk) (1)

because of

(lim suptXt=) =(limt(supstXt)=)
=limk(lim suptXtk),

where we observed that the claim holds for all t<t0 if it holds for all tt0 in the third step and then used continuity of the probability distribution to move the first outside in the last step.

We also switch to a discretized version of the Brownian motion (Bn)n

(lim supt|Bt|=) =limk(lim supt|Bt|k)
limk(lim supn|Bn|k)
limk(lim supn|Bn+1-Bn|2k).

For the last inequality we used that, if for any n


then for some mn either |Bm|k or |Bm+1|k due to the triangle inequality and therefore


But since {|Bn+1-Bn|2k} are independent events and


we have by Borel-Cantelli

(lim supn|Bn+1-Bn|2k) =1.
Exercise 2 (Brownian Bridge).

A stochastic process (Xt)0t1 is called a Brownian bridge if it is a continuous centred Gaussian process with covariance function given by


Let (Bt,t0) be a standard Brownian motion. Show that the process


is a Brownian bridge. Moreover, prove that B1 is independent of (Xt,t[0,1]).


Because B is a centered continuous Gaussian process, we know that X is a centered continuous Gaussian process, because any linear combination of a finite gaussian vector (Xt1,,Xtn) is a linear combination of (B1,Bt1,,Btn) and therefore gaussian. For st, the covariance is


To show that B1 is independent from (Xt,t[0,1]), it is enough to show independence from a finite dimensional marginal (Xt1,,Xtn). But because (B1,Xt1,,Xtn) is a Gaussian vector and

Cov(B1,Xti) =𝔼[B1(Bti-tiB1)]

we have the independence between B1 and (Xt1,,Xtn) by Sheet 8 Exercise 4. ∎

Exercise 3 (Brownian Growth Rate).

Let (Bt0) be a Brownian motion.

  1. (i)

    Prove that, for any k>0, we have


    Look for a similar statement in the lecture notes.


    This is the same proof as in Theorem 8.2.12, but we drop the absolute value.

    We define the same sets (just without the absolute value)

    A :={inf{t0:Btkt}=0}
    As :={inf{t0:Btkt}s}

    And also have A=s>0As0+. Due to Blumenthal’s zero-one law we have (A){0,1}, so we just need to show it is not zero. With the same argument as in the lecture we can finish the proof

    (A) =lims0(As)
  2. (ii)

    Prove that,

    lim suptBtt=andlim inftBtt=-a.s..

    Use time inversion.

    Solution Spirit.

    By applying the previous statement to tB1/t we want to essentially argue

    1 =(inf{t>0:tB1/ttk}=0)

    For the supremum over times s to be infinite, there can be no largest s for which Bssk. There has to be an infinite amount of these s which implies almost surely

    lim supstBssk.

    Since k is arbitrary we get the claim.

    But the transformation t=1s is of course not quite formally correct. Which is why there is a formal solution below. ∎

    Formal Solution.

    Using (1) and continuity of probability measures, we have

    (lim suptBtt=) =limklimt(supstBssk).

    It is therefore sufficient to show for every k,t that

    (supstBssk)=1. (2)

    So assume some given k,t. Because s~B1/s~ is a Brownian motion, we have almost surely


    So there exists 0<s~(ω)<1t for all ωNc where N is a null set, such that


    Defining s:=1/s~ implies st and results in


    But this implies that forall ωNc we have


    This proves (2). And because -Bt is also a brownian motion we also have

    lim inftBtt =-(lim supt-Btt)=-.
Exercise 4 (Compound Poisson is Lévy).

Show that the compound Poisson process X=(Xt)t0 is a Lévy Process. You can assume that the Poisson process N=(Nt)t0 is a Lévy Process.


Show 𝔼[f(Xt¯-Xt¯)g(Xs¯-Xs¯)] factorizes.

  1. (i)

    Start in 0 (because N0=0).

  2. (ii)

    Right continuity with left limits

    For any t we have limstNs=Nt and Ns. Therefore there exists ϵ>0 such that Ns=Nt for all s[t,t+ϵ]. But then by definition for all s[t,t+ϵ] we have


    therefore X is right continuous in t. Let N-t:=limstNs be the left limit of the process N in t. Again because Ns there exists ϵ>0 such that Ns=N-t for all s[t-ϵ,t). For all s1,s2[t-ϵ,t) we have Xs1=Xs2 so we can define the left limit of X in t as X-t:=Xt-ϵ and get convergence


    Because t was arbitrary we are done.

  3. (iii)

    Independent increments

    We first observe that for st, we have NsNt since for independent waiting times ξiExp(λ) we have


    due to A(s)A(t).

    So to show that Xt¯-Xt¯ is independent of Xs¯-Xs¯ for s¯s¯t¯t¯ we use


    Since s¯t¯ implies Ns¯Nt¯ we can assume ks¯kt¯, which means that the sums contain different Yi which are all independent and identically distributed so the expectation factorizes like so

    𝔼[f(i=kt¯+1kt¯Yi)g(i=ks¯+1ks¯Yi)] =𝔼[f(i=kt¯+1kt¯Yi)]𝔼[g(i=ks¯+1ks¯Yi)]

    Defining Δs:=ks¯-ks¯ and Δt:=kt¯-kt¯ we can also write


    so if we sum over ks¯,Δs instead of ks¯,ks¯ and kt¯,Δt instead of kt¯,kt¯ and use independence of the increments of N, we get


    Therefore the increments of X are independent.

  4. (iv)

    Stationary Increments

    With the stationarity of the increments of N and the previous section we get

    𝔼[f(Xt¯-Xt¯)] =Δt𝔼[f(i=1ΔtYi)](Nt¯-Nt¯=Δt)