Sheet 13

Prof. Leif Döring, Felix Benning
course: Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie 1semester: FSS 2022tutorialDate: 30.05.2022dueDate: 10:15 in the exercise on Monday 30.05.2022
Exercise 1 (Brownian Bridge Time Change).

Let (Bt,t0) be a standard Brownian motion. Set X1=0 and


Show that (Xt,t[0,1]) is a Brownian bridge (with continuous paths).


B~:ttB1/t is a Brownian motion by Proposition 8.2.8 (time inversion) and therefore almost surely continuous on [0,). So due to limt11-tt=0, we have


But this implies continuity of Xt in t=1, because


Further, we know that X is a centred continuous Gaussian process because B is a centred continuous Gaussian process. For 0st1, we have

s-stt-st s(1-t)t(1-s)s1-st1-t

which implies

Cov(Xs,Xt) =𝔼[(1-s)Bs1-s(1-t)Bt1-t]=(1-s)(1-t)min{s1-s,t1-t}=s(1-t).

So Xt is a centred continuous Gaussian process with the right covariance and endpoints and is therefore a Brownian Bridge. ∎

Exercise 2 (Converging Covariance).

If X1,X2, are centred Gaussian processes with covariance functions K1,K2,, and K is another covariance function, then there exists a Gaussian process X with covariance function K with XnfddX if and only if limnKn(t,s)=K(t,s) for all t,sI.


If there exists such an X, we have for any t,s, (Xn(t),Xn(s))(X(t),X(s)) in distribution. Therefore

φ(Xn(t),Xn(s))(x) =exp(-12xT(Kn(t,t)Kn(t,s)Kn(s,t)Kn(s,s))x)

Taking the logarithm we get for all x


Taking x=(1,0)T we get Kn(t,t)K(t,t), while x=(0,1)T results in Kn(s,s)K(s,s). And, due to symmetry of the covariance matrix, we get for x=(1,1)T

2Kn(s,t) =(Kn(t,t)+2Kn(s,t)+Kn(s,s))-Kn(t,t)-Kn(s,s)

Since s,t were arbitrary we have limnKn(s,t)=K(s,t).

A Gaussian process X with covariance function K exists, because we can construct consistent finite dimensional distributions of (X(t1),,X(tn) using


i.e. find B such that BBT=Σ and apply B to iid standard normal random variables, resulting in a gaussian vector with the desired distribution. For similarly defined Σn, we have that all the entries of Σn converging to Σ by assumption. And therefore by continuity of sums and products xTΣnxxTΣx for all x2. But this implies that the characteristic functions of all finite dimensional marginals converge and therefore XnfddX. ∎