Sheet 3

Prof. Leif Döring, Felix Benning
course: Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie 1semester: FSS 2022tutorialDate: 07.03.2022dueDate: 10:15 in the exercise on Monday 07.03.2022
Exercise 1 (Martingales Warm-up).

Do enough of these exercises to feel comfortable with them.

  1. (i)

    Assume that Xn is an integrable (n) adapted stochastic process which is decreasing, i.e.


    Prove that Xn is a supermartingale.


    Similarly an adapted increasing process is a submartingale.


    We simply use the monotonicity of the conditional expectation to obtain the last property of supermartingales

    𝔼[Xn+1|n] 𝔼[Xn|n]=Xn.
  2. (ii)

    Let (Xn)n, (Yn)n be n (sub-)martingales, prove that

    1. (a)

      (Xn+Yn)n is a (sub-)martingale.


      We have 𝔼[|Xn+Yn|]𝔼[|Xn|]+𝔼[|Yn|]< and n-adapted follows from the fact that sums of measurable functions are measurable. What is left to show is


      or the same with for submartingales respectively. ∎

    2. (b)

      (XnYn)n is a submartingale,


      Adapted and integrable is easy to check, and the submartingale property follows from the monotonicity of conditional expectation

      𝔼[Xn+1Yn+1|n] {𝔼[Xn+1|n]XnXnYn𝔼[Yn+1|n]YnYnXn
  3. (iii)

    Let (Xn)n0 be a (n)-submartingale. Let T be (n)-stopping time.

    1. (a)

      Suppose that (Xn)n0 is bounded and T is a.s. finite (the meaning is different from ”T is a.s. bounded”!). Prove that 𝔼[X0]𝔼[XT]<.


      Since T< a.s. we have


      where XT=(XTn)n is a bounded submartingale, because

      • as nTn as nTn therefore XT is adapted

      • we have integrability due to

        𝔼[|XnT|] =𝔼[k=1n|Xk|𝟙T=k]+𝔼[k=n+1|Xn|𝟙T=k]
      • Lastly we have the submartingale property

        𝔼[Xn+1T-XnT|n] =𝔼[(Xn+1T-XnT)(𝟙Tn+𝟙T>n)|n]

      As Xn is bounded, XT is bounded and therefore 𝔼[XT]<. By dominated convergence we further have

      𝔼[XT] =𝔼[limnXnT]=limn𝔼[XnT]𝔼[X0T]=𝔼[X0]
    2. (b)

      Suppose that there exists a constant K>0 such that for -a.e. ωΩ,


      We also suppose that 𝔼[T]<. Show that 𝔼[X0]𝔼[XT]<.


      XT is a submartingale for the same reason as before, and we can again use dominated convergence if we find an integrable upper bound. This upper bound is TK+|X0| because

      XnT =X0+k=0Tn-1Xk+1T-XkT

    Compare this with statements about martingales in the lectures and use the bounded stopping time TM for some constant M and the dominated convergence theorem.

Exercise 2 (Conditional Expectation).

Recall that a gamma distribution with parameter c>0 and θ>0 has density:

  1. (i)

    Let X,Y be two independent exponential random variables with parameter θ>0 and Z=X+Y. Determine the conditional distribution of X given Z=z (i.e. the Markov kernel (A,z)(XA|Z=z)).


    For all g non-negative and measurable functions we have that:

    𝔼[h(X)g(Z)] =𝔼[h(X)g(X+Y)]

    Since the last term is Z-measurable we can conclude that 𝔼[h(X)|Z]=0Z1Zh(u)du. Using (XA|Z)=𝔼[𝟙A(X)|Z] means that for A(), we get


    Hence, the conditional distribution of X given Z=z is 𝒰[0,z]. ∎

  2. (ii)

    Conversely, let Z be a random variable with gamma distribution with parameter (2,θ), and suppose X is a random variable whose conditional distribution given Z=z is uniform on [0,z], for z>0. Prove that X and Z-X are independent with exponential distribution Exp(θ).


    With kernels we can easily write

    𝔼[h(X,Z)|Z] =Thm. 5.3.5h(u,Z)(Xdu|Z) (1)
    =h(u,Z)1Z𝟙{0uZ}du (2)

    where (A,z)(XA|z) is the regular conditional distribution defined from the unique kernel we get via the disintegration theorem. Essentially doing all the same calculations backwards we get

    𝔼[f(X)g(Z-X)] =𝔼[𝔼[f(X)g(Z-X)|Z]]

    This shows that (X,Z-X) are independent Exp(θ) random variables. In more detail: Use g1 to show XExp(θ). And similarly f1 to show Z-XExp(θ). Independence follows using indicator functions in place of g,f. ∎

Exercise 3 (Branching Process Tools).

Assume X=(Xn)n are identically distributed, independent and integrable random variables. And assume N is an integrable 0-valued random variable independent of X and Sn:=k=1nXi.

  1. (i)

    (Wald’s equation) Prove that


    Use indicators and Fubini.


    The claim follows from Fubini and independence:

    𝔼[k=1NXi] =𝔼[n=0𝟙N=nk=1nXi]=n=0𝔼[𝟙N=nk=1nXi]
  2. (ii)

    (Blackwell-Girshick) Further assume that Xn,N2. Prove that

    1. (a)


    2. (b)



    Same trick as with Wald’s equation.


    Similarly to Wald’s equation we have

    𝔼[SN2] =n=0𝔼[𝟙N=nSn2]

    which directly implies (ii)(a). (ii)(b) follows using Wald’s equation as

    Var[SN] =𝔼[SN2]-𝔼[SN]2
Exercise 4 (Intro to Harmonic Functions).

Let Sni=1nYi be a symmetric random walk, i.e. the jump sizes (Yn,n1) are a sequence of i.i.d. random variables with (Yn=1)=1/2 and (Yn=-1)=1/2. Let 𝒢n:=σ(Y1,Y2,Yn) with 𝒢0:={,Ω}.

  1. (i)

    Let λ. Find a constant c such that exp(λSn-cn)n is a (𝒢n)-martingale.


    To get the martingale property

    𝔼[exp(λSn+1-c(n+1))|𝒢n] =𝔼[exp(λSn-cn)exp(-c)exp(λYn+1)|𝒢n]

    we need exp(c)=𝔼[exp(λY0)], i.e.

    c =log(𝔼[exp(λY0)])=log(12(exp(λ)+exp(-λ))).
  2. (ii)

    Prove that (Sn2-n)n0 is a (𝒢n)-martingale.


    We simply check the three properties of a martingale

    • (Sn2-n)n is by definition of 𝒢n adapted.

    • 𝔼[|Sn2-n|]𝔼[|Sn2|+n]𝔼[|Sn|2]+n|n|2+n

    • Lastly we check the martingale property

  3. (iii)

    Prove that (Sn3-3nSn)0 is a (𝒢n)-martingale.


    We again check the definition

    • Adaptedness follows again from def of 𝒢n.

    • 𝔼[|Sn3-3nSn|]𝔼[|Sn3|]+3n𝔼[|Sn|]n3+3n2

    • First, observe that


      Using this we get

  4. (iv)

    Find a polynomial P(s,n) with degree 4 on s and degree 2 on n, such that (P(Sn,n))n0 is a (𝒢n)-martingale.


    We are going to use (v) to guess the correct polynomial. Before we start consider the simple polynomial sk. We have


    So when striving for P(s+1,n+1)+P(s-1,n+1)=P(s,n) we only need to consider even (odd) exponents, if the degree of the polynomial is even (or odd respectively) (cf. (ii) (iii)). So let us start guessing with P(s,n)=s4+a(n)s2+c(n) where a and c are polynomials with a degree of at most 2. From this we obtain


    To solve this systematically we assume a(n)=a2n2+a1n+a0, which implies


    this is solved by a2=0 and a1=-6. So we have a(n)=-6n. With similar assumptions on c we get


    This implies c2=3 and therefore c1=2. In total we have P(s,n)=s4-6ns2+3n2+2n fulfills (v). Therefore, (Sn4-6nSn2+3n2+2n) is a martingale by (v). ∎

  5. (v)

    Prove that, in general, for a polynomial P(x,y), the process (P(Sn,n))n0 is a (𝒢n)-martingale, if

    • Adaptability follows from measurability of polynomials,

    • integrability from the triangle inequality and the fact that |Sn|knk.

    • Lastly, note that Sn is n-measurable and Yn+1 is independent of n, this results in the martingale property

      𝔼[P(Sn+1,n+1)|n] =𝔼[P(Sn+Yn+1,n+1)|n]

    We could have solved (ii) this way, as for P(s,n)=s2-n, we have

    P(s+1,n+1)+P(s-1,n+1) =(s+1)2-(n+1)+(s-1)2-(n+1)
Exercise 5 (Poisson Process is Poisson).

In this exercise we are going to assume that the Poisson process (Xt)t0 is defined as the number of events up to time t, where the waiting time between events is always exponentially distributed, i.e.


Show that Xt is Poisson distributed for every t0.


The exponential distribution is a special case of the Gamma distribution, i.e. 𝐸𝑥𝑝(λ)=Γ(1,1λ). And since the Gamma distribution is stable under summation of iid Gamma distributed random variables, we get TkΓ(k,1λ). Using this fact you can either calculate (Xtk) using the cumulative distribution function of the Gamma distribution (which you might know or need to calculate), or you could calculate (Xt=k) by conditioning on Tk in this sense


This avoids the usage of the cdf of the Gamma distribution.

  1. Option 1:

    Using the fact that Tk+1Γ(k+1,1λ) we get

    (Xtk) =(no more than k events before t)
    =(the (k+1)-event happens after t)

    By induction one can show that


    where the induction step is simply partial integration:

    0tzkΓ(k+1)exp(-z)𝑑z =zkΓ(k+1)(-exp(-z))|0t+0tkzk-1Γ(k+1)exp(-z)𝑑z

    Therefore we have


    which implies that XtPoi(λ).

  2. Option 2:

    Conditioning on Tk we can calculate

    (Xt=k) =(Tkt<Tk+1)

    Using TkΓ(k,1λ) we therefore get

    (Xt=k) =exp(-λt)0texp(λx)λkΓ(k)xk-1exp(-λx)𝑑x

    which implies XtPoi(λ).