Sheet 7

Prof. Leif Döring, Felix Benning
course: Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie 1semester: FSS 2022tutorialDate: 04.04.2022dueDate: 10:15 in the exercise on Monday 04.04.2022
Exercise 1 (Portmonteau).

True of false? Justify your answer by proving or disproving the statement. Let (μn,n1),μ be finite measures (not necessarily probability measure) on .

  1. (i)

    If μnμ weakly, then limnμn()=μ().


    True. If μn(w)μ, then 1dμn1dμ. Alternatively: is open and closed. ∎

  2. (ii)

    If μnμ weakly, then limnμn((-,x])=μ((-,x]) for all x.


    False. Let xnx, then we have δxnδx by Sheet 6, Exercise 4(i). But for all n we have δxn((-,x])=0 while δx((-,x])=1. ∎

  3. (iii)

    If limnμn((-,x])=μ((-,x]) for all x, then μnμ weakly.


    False. Let μn(A)=nn+1𝟙Adx and μ(A)0. Then we have μn()=1 for all n but μ()=0. But we also have μn((-,x])0=μ((-,x]).

    Here we abused the fact that tightness was not a given. Since we also have that any sequence which converges would converge to μ, as (-,x] is a generator and uniquely determines the limit by Dynkin argumnets, we would get convergence with tightness (cf. Prohorov and Prop. 7.2.7) ∎

  4. (iv)

    Suppose that μn,μ1(). If limnμn((-,x])=μ((-,x]) for all x, then μnμ weakly.


    True. Convergence of cumulative distribution functions implies convergence of measures (cf. 4.5.9). ∎

  5. (v)

    Let f be a measurable bounded function on which is μ-a.e. continuous. If μnμ weakly, then fdμnfdμ.


    Either we use the general continuous mapping theorem for almost surely continuous f (comment after Theorem 7.2.5). I.e. μnfμf as n goes to infinity. Then as f is bounded there exists B such that |f(x)|B for all x so using the transformation theorem (Thm. 3.1.16) we get

    fdμn =(f(x)𝟙|f(x)|Bε)dμn(x)

    Or to do it properly (because this general continuous mapping theorem is no longer part of the lecture), we can use the Skorokhod trick from Stochastics 1. I.e. we use the cumulative distribution functions Fn,F for μn,μ and U𝒰[0,1] to get


    with Xnμn and Xμ. Since f is continuous μ-a.e. we get f(Xn)f(X) a.s. and therefore in distribution, which means that μnfμf. We finish with the same argument as before. ∎

Exercise 2 (Tightness).

Let (μn,n1) be finite measures on . Show that the family is tight, if and only if there exists a non-negative measurable function f with lim|x|f(x)=, such that


: Take some ϵ>0, and define for such an f


Since f(x) we know there exists M such that f(x)>Cε for all |x|>M. Therefore for all n


Hence, supn1μn([-M,M]c)ε.


: Suppose that μn is tight. Then for all j>0 exists Kj, such that supn1μn(Kj)<1j3. Without loss of generality Kj=[-kj,kj] with 0k1kj and we define f(x)=j for all xKj+1Kj. This implies f(x) for |x| and

fdμn =j1jμn(Kj+1Kj)
Exercise 3 (Totally Bounded).

Let (E,d) be a metric space and AE. Compare Lemma 4.3.4.  with this exercise.

  1. (i)

    Suppose that, for all ϵ>0, there exists finitely many points x1,xnE (not necessarily in A) such that Ak=1n(Bϵ,k). Show that A is totally bounded.


    For all ε>0 we have x1,,xnE such that


    Take ykB(xk,ε2)A, (if it was empty it was not needed to cover A so it could be discarded). Then we have B(xk,ε2)B(yk,ε) because for any z in the first set we have


    which finally implies

    A k=1nB(xk,ε2)k=1nB(yk,ε).
  2. (ii)

    Let E=, endowed with the usual Euclidean metric. Show that, A=(0,1) is totally bounded, but not relatively compact. Why is this not a contradiction to Sheet 6, Exercise 2(iv)?


    Since [0,1] is compact in it is also totally bounded. Therefore A[0,1] is totally bounded as a subset, because the epsilon coverings still contain all the previous elements. We just have to select new mid points, but this is no issue because is dense and we can start with ε/2.

    The closure of A in is A[0,1], which is not complete. There are Cauchy sequences which do not converge in A and therefore have no converging subseqence. It can therefore not be compact.

    It is not a contradiction to Sheet 6, Exercise 2(iv) because the space E is not complete. In other words: compactness is totally boundedness + completeness. ∎

Exercise 4 (Weak Convergence of Dirac Measures).

Let xnE, where (E,d) is a separable and complete metric space.

  1. (i)

    Prove that δxn is tight, if and only if (xn)n is totally bounded in E.


    Assume that δxn are tight, then there exists a compact set K, such that


    As the Dirac measure can only be zero or one, this implies


    and therefore xnK for all n. But K is totally bounded as a compact set, therefore the (xn)n are totally bounded.

    For the opposite direction note that the closure of a totally bounded set is still totally bounded by Sheet 6, Exercise 2(iv). So the closure K is compact and includes all xn. Therefore


    and the dirac measures are tight. ∎

  2. (ii)

    For E= suppose that δxn converges weakly to some μ. Show that, there exists x, such that xnx and therefore μ=δx.


    Assume you could use the identity as a test function in weak convergence. While this does not work (the identity is not bounded) it provides some intuition how the actual proof would work. Then try an invertible sigmoid function instead (e.g. f(x)=11+e-x)


    Let Xnδxn and Xμ. Then we have for f(x)=11+e-xCb()


    Now if y=1, then xn=f-1(yn). Or for y=0 xn- respectively. Both would imply by (i) that δxn is not tight. But this would contradict Theorem 7.3.4. Therefore y(0,1). And by continuity of f-1 on (0,1), we can define


    By Sheet 6, Exercise 5 (i), we therefore have δxnδx weakly which implies δx=μ. ∎

Exercise 5 (Arzelà-Ascoli).

We are going to prove the Arzelà-Ascoli theorem in this exercise. While it is usually formulated with (relative) compactness, we have already seen this is equivalent to total boundedness in a complete space.

Definition (Equicontinuity).

Let (E,d),(F,d) be metric spaces and a set of functions from E to F. Then is equicontinuous iff


In other words: δ is independent of f (and also of x,y, i.e. we also have uniform continuity).

  1. (i)

    Prove that any finite subset of C(K) for a compact space K is equicontinuous.


    Let {f1,,fd}C(K). As any continuous function is uniformly continuous on a compact set, we have


    With δ:=mini=1,,dδi we get equicontinuity. ∎

  2. (ii)

    Prove that total boundedness of a subset of (C(K),) implies equicontinuity.


    Let C(K) be a totally bounded set and choose some ϵ>0. Then we have by total boundedness f1,,fd such that for all f exists an fi with


    And since the f1,,fd are equicontinuous by (i), we can find some δ>0, such that


    Putting things together we have for all f, all x,yK with d(x,y)<δ

    |f(x)-f(y)| |f(x)-fi(x)|f-fiϵ4+|fi(x)-fi(y)|ϵ2+|fi(y)-f(y)|f-fiϵ4
  3. (iii)

    Let C(K) be a pointwise bounded set, i.e.


    Prove that for any finite set {x1,,xd}K, the set


    is totally bounded.


    Φ is bounded in (d,) by maxi=1dM(xi). Therefore it is totally bounded as this is equivalent on d. ∎

  4. (iv)

    Prove that pointwise boundedness and equicontinuity of C(K) imply total boundedness (with regard to the sup-norm ).


    Use equicontinuity to extend (iii) to all points. Do not forget that K is totally bounded!


    For a given ϵ>0 we want to find an ϵ covering. Since is equicontinuous, we can select δ>0, such that for all d(x,y)<δ we have

    |f(x)-f(y)|ϵ4f. (1)

    Since K is totally bounded, we can find a δ covering, i.e. there exist x1,,xd, such that for all xK there exists k with

    d(x,xk)δ. (2)

    Due to total boundedness of Φ by (iii) there exist f1,,fm such that for any ϕ(f)Φ we can find i with

    ϕ(f)-(fi(x1),,fi(xd))=:ϕ(fi)<ϵ2. (3)

    So take any f and choose fi such that (3) is satisfied. Then for all xK there exists an xk by (2) such that d(x,xk)<δ and hence


    As x was arbitrary we have


    Therefore f1,,fm are an ϵ covering of , proving its total boundedness. ∎

Putting (ii) and (iv) together we therefore have

Theorem (Arzelà-Ascoli).

Let KE be totally bounded in a metric space (E,d). A set of continuous functions mapping to , C(K), is totally bounded with regard to the sup-norm iff it is pointwise bounded and equicontinuous.

  1. (v)

    Deduce that 𝒫:={xxn:n}C([0,1]) is bounded but not totally bounded.


    Since p(x)[0,1] for all p𝒫, the set is bounded. To show that it is not totally bounded, we will show it is not equicontinuous. Take any ϵ>0 and choose some δ>0. Then there exists a polynomial such that


    for some n. Therefore the set 𝒫 can not be equicontinuous. ∎